there's something really funny about me. i'm just about as hard core of a conservative as 15 year olds get to the right. (my friend told me she saw my "bestie" anne colter on tv the other day and she had to tell me about it.) but i probably listen to way more liberal media then 97% of the kiddy liberal population. which isn't saying much, but hey, it's something. my dad is retired, and i am far too much of a lazy ass to get my permit. (my grandmother never learned to drive and she turned into a just fine individual. i think there is something cute about having someone else drive you places.) so my dad usually takes me everywhere. which i have no problem with, i think i've always gotten along really well with my dad. he is a registered ~*independent*~ so i listen to NPR every car ride. i just got back from santa monica, which is a 2 hour total drive. that's 2 out of the 12 or so hours i spend awake a day, thus, 1/6 of my day listening to extreme left media. my mom is a rock solid conservative and she can't listen to more then 7 minutes of NPR without threatening to commit suicide. with the inauguration so close, it's turning into much more of a "let's cannonize obama" show now, but on a regular basis, it's not so bad. it's nice to hear both sides every once in a while. to "keep your options open" rather cementing yourself entirley to anything. i don't hate liberals. (i do however, hate canada. see earlier posts) i don't think i've ever been an elitest. i am made of the same muscle tissues and red blood cells that everyone else is (hopefully) and i am full of just as much potential win as everyone else (i just act on it much more often) that's not to say, i don't think my opinions are better than yours. they are. if i didn't feel that way, they wouldn't be my opinions. but as far as things go, i can sit down at trump golf course and have a 42 dollar steak, and have a carnita lunch in east LA the next day for 4.99. i don't really know what that kind of a person is classified as, but it's alright with me.
LOL. My parents are about to kill themselves with the inauguration coming up. Sigh.
And I've decided I'm marrying Prince William.
You actually like coulter?
The other republican's I've met think she's just a whore for attention and a big joke.
And I'm 18 and still haven't learned how to drive xD
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