finals are going to be the death of me.
i completley overuse the phrase "i am going to kill myself." one day something traumatic is going to happen to me and i'm going to think to myself "i should really stop saying this, god's getting me back." but i won't do it anyway. because i'm a stubborn little bitch who thinks i can do no wrong. i know that's not healthy.
i'm really critical of who i hang around with. i'm probably too critical. i think i find fault in everything, and i psychoanalyze and read into everyone. and then there's the people who are just 2 dimensional. there's nothing to read, they're about one thing and i'd like nothing more then to shoot them in the face because they have no value in society other then increasing welfare and putting their 6 kids through the public school system and thus raising the taxes i will be forced to pay because they are such idiots. i will not be happy until everyone in america is in the top one percent, and all the people i don't like are shipped over to canada or something, so i can hate them all collectively .
everyone who doesn't know me says they think i'm really mean. i don't know how true that is, my friend told me her sister was in love with me but was afraid to talk to me because she was so intimidated. i don't know if i really come off that way. it's hard controling your impression on people. i think there's some things you can't change. there is an aura around everyone. i guess the 1% of optimist in me looks at this thinking that at least it allows me to be more selective with the people who are closer to me.
maybe i'm just that misunderstood little girl that i always envisioned being when i was 7.
i think i'm just a jerk.