it's really funny how much sentimental value i have attached to bands. i'm not a person who keeps old photos or gifts and stares longingly at them during times in which i'm feeling particularly down. the only thing that really gives me a sense of past is music. more specifically, very very IRONIC music. everytime i listen to an old mindless self indulgence or hellogoodbye album, i always remember the (slightly more) awkward teenage stage of my life that it was associated with. i used to be a huge fan of ~*the jonas brothers*~ when they were still completley unknown and "underground" (this time period did actually exist, i promise) even if they are associated with rediculously bad and cheesy pop or, god forbid, rock, they'll always have that little part of my heart that helped me bond with people who really meant a lot to me. all the time we'd spend obessing over what their favorite kind of sandwich was, giggling about all the dumb interviews we'd dig through, or looking all over disneyland for any sign of a promotion for them.
i wonder if in ten years i'll be able to listen to all the hipster crap music i do now, and think to myself, hey, i rememebr when i use to like FUCKING TECHNO, oh my god.
i think in ten years, i'll still be loling at set your goals or something. bonus points: this blog is named after ironic, "old" and hipster music, the only way i could upstage myself is ending with a good DCFC reference, i'm sure.
i feel like this blog should be about my incessant need to whine about my life or tales of the old country (the old country being puerto rico, mexico, or lithuania, which ever one you prefer i fake knowing anything about)
i think i'm just going to do more outfit posts and lack some more creativity.
i think i like the bangs now though. i almost had a coronary when i first got them, i didn't intend them to be so choppy, but i think the korean lady who cut them took me as someone who wanted an ~*edgy style*~