Look at the stars, Look how they shine for you, And everything you do, Yeah, they were all yellow. I came along, I wrote a song for you, And all the things you do, And it was called yellow. So then I took my turn, Oh what a thing to have done, And it was all yellow. Your skin Oh yeah, your skin and bones, Turn into something beautiful, You know, you know I love you so, You know I love you so. I swam across, I jumped across for you, Oh what a thing to do. Cause you were all yellow, I drew a line, I drew a line for you, Oh what a thing to do, And it was all yellow. Your skin, Oh yeah your skin and bones, Turn into something beautiful, And you know for you, Id bleed myself dry for you, Id bleed myself dry. Its true, look how they shine for you, Look how they shine for you, Look how they shine for, Look how they shine for you, Look how they shine for you, Look how they shine. Look at the stars, Look how they shine for you, And all the things that you do.
I am sitting On the roof of my house With a shotgun And a six pack of beer, six pack of beer, six pack of beer.
The newscaster says the enemy's among us As bombs explode on the 30 bus, Kill your middle class indecision, Now is not the time for liberal thought,
So I go hunting for witches I go hunting for witches Heads are going to roll I go hunting for...
90's, optimistic as a teen. Now its terror Airplanes crash into towers, into towers, crash into towers.
The Daily Mail says the enemy's among us, Taking our women and taking our jobs, All reasonable thought is being drowned out By the non-stop baying, baying, baying for blood
So I go hunting for witches I go hunting for witches Heads are going to roll I go hunting for...
I was an ordinary man with ordinary desire I watched TV it informed me I was an ordinary man with ordinary desire There must be accountibility
Disparate and misinformed Fear will keep us all in place
So I go hunting for witches I go hunting for witches Heads are going to roll I go hunting for...
I was an ordinary man with ordinary desires I watched TV and it formed me I was an ordinary man with ordinary desires There must be accountibility
Disparate and misinformed Fear will keep us all in place
The news has got me paranoid Papers and the news reports Casualties of every war The anchor people keeping score
The weapons now are chemicals In water and in air above In circulating envelopes In powder through the postal routes
The threat of a disease is here We nipped it once without a cure It took forever 'til it stopped Through mandatory needle shots
They gave us all a little dose To teach our bodies how to cope Finally when we had it licked Some terrorists are back with it
The propaganda's working now I'm falling for it hook and reel I'm stocking up on medicine Buying tape to seal us off in paranoia